The 91st Psalm tells us of a "Secret Place" where all provision, protection, and power are found. This prophetic lesson helps you identify and occupy "The Secret Place."
Prophetic Lesson on "The Secret Place"
Written 3-26-2010
There is a place (in Christ) beyond the human understanding where My presence preserves the weary soul from the lost and dying creation. In this place you have found a way back into My presence; in this place you have found a season of favor and entrance into life everlasting. I have not neglected anyone in this prepared place but have rather offered freely to all who will come. You have but to acknowledge that I am He—I Am the place of security and power---and peace. No power of your understanding can do for you what I have done. I have set in order the things that were in chaos—out of nothing I have brought all that you know and beyond—am I not able to also create a place of preservation and hope even as all the world around you collapses into despair, anger and deceit. Who told you that you must suffer as those who do not believe? You look to outward circumstances and determine the inner state—I say that the secret place preserves even in the midst of persecution and the raging storms of adversity wrought at the hands of evil beyond your understanding. Listen to Me—I am calling your name—it is time for you to release all into My keeping. You will not possibly be able to bear what is coming if you do not know the secret place prepared for My children even now. Total abandonment of righteousness will lead to total acceptance of iniquity. Plans in high places detail the steps toward total domination—but I see and even now am calling you into total reliance on the Savior of your soul. Oh how I long to hold you safely in My presence. It matters not what they do to your body—your eternal soul is safe in my presence. For too long you have been waiting until….For what are you waiting? I am telling you that you can experience an existence that is independent of your physical positioning. I Am the anchor of your soul; I Am the suffering Servant; I Am the Ambassador or Peace; I Am the ever- existent, unfailing Father. Total submission; total trust; total reliance are the only way into My protective covering. Prepare for impact by looking to Me and dwelling in Me. The world as you knew it will never be again—it never was. It had only to be revealed—that total deception and death. Yet above all this was and is and is to come all peace, safety, security and rest. Do not allow the manifestation of one to make you forget and flee the other. Collapse into My waiting arms and I will uphold. Before total destruction I will come for you—I will not leave you in the midst of such controversy and derision. As all collapses I hold you and so you are rescued. I will break the hold that your flesh has on your spirit and you will be with me in your knowing—and so will you ever be. The door is open, come now—waiting will be the undoing of many. Evil ordination has begun—time is short. He is near—the deceiver of the brethren takes a form and speaks with words that which were once only in the heart. These words cause a recollection. Destruction calls to destruction. This familiarity is interpreted by the lost as a voice crying in the wilderness; a voice speaking words of hope. And yet they are being led to the slaughter. And Sin when it is finished brings forth death. And Sin when it is finished brings forth death. And sin when it is finished brings forth death.