Prophetic Lesson on Finding Inner Eden
Janet Mushegan Watson 3-27-2015
The Fall of mankind removed the ability to be connected with the dynamo of your Creator. Contained in this union was the ability to give and receive communication that is unlimited by time or space; language or culture; ability or disability. Man has since struggled to overcome the encumbrance of trying to communicate with another in a way that conveys the intended meaning. As a side effect of this deterioration, fraud and deception became possible. Within this same context understand that the impediment extended and included the alienation of the individual from themselves. You have heaped to yourselves devices and technology to try to go beyond the boundary established and sealed at Babel. You have not succeeded. You have lessened the perceived limit of communication but you have not changed the root problem.
I have, through the Christ, offered you a new and better way to live in this fallen realm. I have opened access to the realm of the spirit so that your inner being may again be connected to my power and with that you may also hear and move in the spirit.
Great trouble is all around you and I know that you are tempted to fear and retreat. But what I am telling you now is that you must begin to access the other way of communication. I have told you about this and you know it and yet what have you done with it?
Many are looking to outward sources of relief or satisfaction. Many heap to themselves things and long for the things they do not have in the belief that these will bring the desired level of fulfillment, joy or escape.
You know by observation and experience that you cannot always connect outer context to the inner state of humanity. Certainly suffering creates concerns that those who do not suffer do not face. However, sometimes these individuals are blessed to know that nothing on the outside can help them. Those who recognize this truth may look to the true source of satisfaction and relief and find it whereas those who are more “privileged” may continue to rely on the false sense of security that the outside affords them.
Calamity quickly reveals the source of your strength and stability. Even now you can access the peace that truly is beyond the understanding of the earth-bound individual. The union that you can have with Me in the realm of the spirit is impervious to the outward forces of evil, want, lack, sorrow, pain or suffering. Come to me. Listen with the Spirit of spirits within you and learn that Eden is available to the one who believes that I Am.
Here is what you must do:
>Learn to “quiet” your mind and open your spirit to Me. [Think on the goodness and greatness of God.] You are looking for words—but words are only a means to an end. The communication in the realm of the spirit has no need for the words but is rather directly implanted into the heart and mind. In this context, words are secondary to what has been received rather than words being the cause of that which is received. [We seek understanding in terms of cause and effect rather than the inner knowing that all is well.]
>Never look to circumstance to confirm what I am saying. What I am saying will help you to endure circumstances circumspectly.
>Understand that eternity is now and you can dwell in the eternal now that is found only in your union with Me.
I am coming to get you soon. Do not be discouraged. I have promised you and I will do it. Allow the peace that comes through this union that is beyond words, and is the everlasting substance of all that is, to keep you for a little while longer…