Prophetic Lesson on “Goshen”
Chaos has a purpose and its purpose is a judgment against those who have chosen a source other than the I Am. (Exodus 23:27; James 3:16-18; Isaiah 30:15-17).Those who are in lockstep with the world system will accompany it to destruction. (Psalms 81:8-12; Matthew 24:12-13; Luke 21:34-36; 2 Peter 3:10-12 & 17-18)
Pressure reveals what sort of person you are. (Matthew 12:35) I have shown you a way of life and peace but it is only accessible through Me and as you walk with Me through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. In times of chaos you cannot trust your senses to guide you. Your senses make determinations based on past experiences. The realm of safety and security that I Am offering is directly associated with your unity with My purpose and calling. (Acts 20:22-24) In this place you have access to that which is above the created order and that which has already triumphed over death, hell and the grave. (Mark 8:17-21)
Look to Me and be saved. Night is near, even at the door. But if you stay in the Most Holy Place of My Presence you will be saved. (Isaiah 45:22; Luke 21:24-28)
“When you believe what I have said is true, you will be able to:
Look beyond your circumstances
Feel beyond your fear
Know beyond your intellect
Think beyond your limitations
Go beyond your familiar zone”