THE PROMISE "Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high."
"Forget all that you think you know about how I will work and inquire of Me--not with unending questions of your mind but with your spirit. I know how hard this is for you. You want to know the way--but I AM the way. Come to Me and I will give you rest from your striving. The carnal creature clings tenaciously to the identity that is perishing. He (the evil one) is trying to draw you to himself so as to insulate himself against the impact of judgment. Do not in any way look at him--look only at Me. Your flesh is very weak concerning his deception. Keep your eyes on Me. Only I can keep you safe until the storm of destruction and judgment dissolve into the I Am. By way of the inner witness I will perform through you wonders as I call to all who are of Me."
These words come from a prophetic lesson that the Lord gave to me on the subject of "The Inner Witness." This sermon on "The Promise" comes out of that time of inspiration that I spent with the Lord. Please listen to the message and search, for yourself, the scriptures that are provided below. We are at a critical point in time; in order to face these "Last Days" with courage, power, and direction, we must know, that we know, that we know, that Jesus Christ is operating within us through the Holy Spirit. Don't wait any longer to receive
"The Promise."