"You hear the term, “saved” and you think you know the meaning. You know that My Spirit has rescued you from the penalty of Sin. What you do not know—and what you do not live in—is the full meaning of what has been done for you in the realm of the Spirit."
Prophetic Lesson on “Saved”
You hear the term, “saved” and you think you know the meaning. You know that My Spirit has rescued you from the penalty of Sin. What you do not know—and what you do not live in—is the full meaning of what has been done for you in the realm of the Spirit. You fail to access and bring into the earth what has already been provided for you.
Original Sin set a skewed path that leads to destruction. That path remains as long as heaven and earth remain—until the drawing of all things back into alignment. On the level of the Spirit, you are saved. Yet you so often walk on the path of destruction in terms of your daily living. I will show you the meaning in this: A person struggling to avoid the rapids that lead to the certain death of a waterfall is rescued by a boat. Yet this person says “I am safe” and then jumps out of the boat when it heads in the other direction. As such, they are swept back into the path of certain destruction. Being saved is staying in the boat of salvation and going where it goes. It is not sent to save you as you continue along the path of destruction.
The cross of Christ is offered to intervene into the Fall of man. However it is not intended to be once applied and forgotten but rather becomes the [continuing] means of escape from this present world.
The authority of the believer to overcome sin is within the vessel of rescue (the cross of Christ). You cannot operate outside of my provision for your salvation and hope to maintain authority over the enemy of your soul. Temptation beckons you to draw aside into your own devices. It is in this drawn-out place that the temptation has overwhelming power. Come to Me; stay with Me and be SAVED!