"The inner voice references My spirit as I communicate with those who are in the world but not of the world."
Prophetic Lesson on “The Inner Voice”
The inner voice references My spirit as I communicate with those who are in the world but not of the world. You walk in the earth but your being is of Me. In this day of trouble I am extending to you a word of encouragement. You must be strong and do what you are sent to do. Many voices will try to woo you but you must learn to hear My voice as I speak in your innermost being. Trouble causes the natural man to panic or fear and to do what comes naturally. But those who walk in My Spirit are not connected to their circumstances in terms of their behavior. As my child you operate according to My Word and My plan and do not consult the natural to confirm that which is of My Spirit. The inner voice is heard as you look away from all that distracts to look upon Me through my Word to you. My Spirit in you is the only thing from which you cannot be forcibly separated. You are never alone as long as you are in Me and I Am in you. Many are running to and fro seeking answers for unthinkable calamity. They never pause to even consider asking Me. Therefore many suffer needlessly, or for those who must endure suffering they suffer it alone. Do not be like one of these for whom I Am only, at best, a last resort. Walk with Me. Listen to Me. I truly will give rest to your soul and peace to your mind. The inner voice is always speaking. Even My so called “silence” is speaking to you. You can know Me so well that words become unnecessary as Heart speaks to heart in that which is beyond human understanding and the scope of human semantics. In coming days you must find the direction, strength and consolation that you will need in that which comes in the intersection of My Spirit with your spirit. All visible means of support will be shaken but if you are walking with Me you will only see the devastation but will walk unaffected and unshaken. This is the final Word of instruction given to the one who is entering the battle: “I Am with you. Listen to Me.”