"You are on the cusp of a time in which the only life saver that you have is the blood covenant provided through the Christ of God. This time will be a time of great confusion and turmoil."
Prophetic Lesson on “Passover”
Janet Mushegan Watson 1-23-2015
You are on the cusp of a time in which the only life saver that you have is the blood covenant provided through the Christ of God. This time will be a time of great confusion and turmoil. The unique aspect of this time is that confusion will be manifested in every level of society and every area of concern for the individual. You have seen the persecution of those who are called by My Name but you have not seen the open animus that will be demonstrated toward those who are looking for My coming. This persecution will flow even from those who say that they are mine but are not. The son of perdition with anxious jaws is waiting the moment of devouring. What he cannot know is that there is a remnant who will not be subject to his evil control and who will operate above his devices. You must be wary of weariness that is coming as a heavy blanket to prevent you from standing to fight. This weariness is a deception intended to cause you to miss the signs so clearly before you. But I Am the Way the Truth and the Life. I Am the Light that shines in darkness. I Am a Rock in a weary land and I Am the way of escape for you.
Upheaval in the leadership of many world powers will come at once out of which will come the platform for the evil one that is evil-in-flesh – that one who is wickedness who rides in on a throne of destruction and devastation. This one hides the blood on his hands and wears the mask of a victim. He is hungry and cannot be filled; he is lonely and cannot be comforted; he is afraid and cannot be consoled. The fear that he brings is his own and with it he pulls into his control those who do not know the power of My Name. He is forever fallen. He is the destroyer who is forever destroyed. His name is Abahsahvahnegay.
Do not be afraid. I Am with you. I have already thrown this evil one out of Heaven’s throne and I will be with you to deliver you. I Am coming in the clouds. Look for Me. I Am coming soon.